My Money Story
I’ve got a confession to make.In March last year I quit practising kinesiology.After five years of studying, building my practice, and working with beloved clients, I packed away my kit to concentrate on my online business for the last few months of my pregnancy.I had worked through my feelings of guilt around quitting something I’d worked so long to get to the top of, and I was genuinely excited to focus on my happiness teaching.Fast-forward to July.Baby Jackson was six weeks old and utterly perfect, being doted on by his dad and his two big sisters.I, however, had started to feel restless.I read about the concept of the upper limit...That we all have a level of what we subconsciously believe we deserve to have and earn in life.When we bump against those levels and try to push past them, we meet resistance.We self-sabotage. We attract circumstances that make things difficult.We end up staying at the same level, energetically – and financially. When I read that part, my spidey-sense kicked in on full power.This explained why, in my two businesses – an online retail store and my kinesiology practice – when one got busy the other one slowed right down.I had an invisible limit on my income, and no matter how hard I worked the total income would remain the same.It explained why at the end of my honeymoon I manifested a jellyfish sting and then put my back out - because the resort was more luxurious than I was used to and so I couldn’t possibly just relax and enjoy it.It explained why if I managed to squirrel away some extra savings, then the washing machine or car would break, because I couldn’t possibly have that much security.And of course, if everything started going really well, if I dared to think about how well things were going, I’d wake up the next morning with my skin breaking out. Lovely.Skin issues aside, my invisible money limit had ensured that my income had stayed almost exactly the same for three years.It seemed I needed to go on a massive money mindset mission to root through my mind and psyche for the secret explanation for my attitude to money.Then I remembered.I’m a kinesiologist!I don’t need to wait, I can just ask my subconscious for the answers.So I did.I found my first limit in about two minutes; how awesome is that?No exercises, no depressing moments, no tears, I just did my Energy Editor thing and muscle-tested for the answers.In the energy work I do, all problems have a related block in the energy system.My testing revealed my invisible money limit was to do with the two sides of my family.One side is well-off, miserable and legendary for their tight-fistedness. (My paternal grandmother once gave my brother a Walkman for Christmas. It was worn, dusty and still had her Perry Como tape in it.)The other side are hard-working, less well-off - and they are fantastic people... great fun, super-loving, really happy and heart-breakingly generous.My experiences growing up with these two influences had resulted in a rather faulty belief – all rich people are miserable, and if you want to be really happy, don’t earn lots of money.So, problem found, only a few months of mindset work to fix it.Ugh. That sounded like hard work.Then I remembered.I’m a kinesiologist! I can fix this right now.So I did.A few energy corrections later and I’d shifted my first invisible money limit.This process took me a few minutes to complete.It would turn out to be the most important and life-changing thing I’d done since saying to my husband, Pete: “I’m VERY broody.” (Translation: Make me pregnant, NOW.)Within 48 hours everything had changed.Having driven my ‘well-loved’ Corsa (like a Geo Metro) for ten years, I went out the next day and bought a new car, which I also manifested a $8000 discount on.I found a solution to a long-standing finance problem.This problem did not have a solution. Yet I found one!This was exciting! I wanted to share it.The next day I popped into a Facebook group:“I’ve got 15 baby-free minutes, and a new skill to practise. Does anyone want their invisible money limit found and corrected? I’m a kinesiologist and I’ll tune into your energy system and muscle test to find it.”The crowd, as they say, went wild.15 minutes ended up being two hours, with a pause to feed the baby and coming back for another few hours.Now, when I first joined this group, as a way of getting to know people I’d offered to find their biggest money block for them, using my muscle-testing magic. I got to know ladies in there and I got a big response.But this time, because my hidden money story had changed, something else happened:“I want to book a session with you Michelle.”“I want a private session Michelle, how we can do that?”"Can you and I work together one-on-one, Michelle?"And so it went on.I explained that I had a six week old baby, and also that I was no longer practising.“Well if you decide to start practising please let me know.”“And me.”"Me too!"I received private messages saying the same thing.I spoke to Pete. He’s a teacher, so he’s around for the summer, and he was quite happy to be daddy daycare if I wanted to bust out my kinesiology kit and do some work.So I did.I got great feedback and amazing things started happening for the ladies who had a session with me.They shared their experiences.Things like:Since my session with Michelle… money is flowing in / I was contacted by my ideal client a few hours later / people are booking my VIP experience.And I got busier and busier.On the 20th July I started taking bookings. By the 31st I’d received $5000 into my paypal account.Zero to $5000 - in ELEVEN DAYS - from a business that I'd closed!And guess what? Even though one income stream went crazy, the other one didn’t slow down.My online store was busier than ever too.I ended up having an $11,600 month - by far the most money I'd ever made.There were a few hiccups as I smacked into my limits – the dryer immediately died and I threw water all over my laptop.A couple of energy corrections (and a very tech-talented hubby) later and everything was fine again and I kept moving upward with no more problems.But that’s not the end of the story.I thought I’d see what happened if I posted an offer of help in another - larger - forum.Assuming there was no way the members would be interested, I sat back, ready to feel humiliated as my offer was inevitably swept to the bottom of the page.Instead, I found myself calling “PETE!! PETE I need your help!”And we spent the next four hours in a whirl of energetic excitement. I tested and set up the corrections, while he told me who was done and moved each set-up from my desk so I could do the next one.555 comments on the thread later and there was no way I’d be able to do them all.The next day I had to admit defeat. But I had an idea.“If anyone is interested then I can do a group correction where I smash the same energy block for everyone?”And the crowd again went wild.I was having a great time, people were feeling the energy shift, asking me how I did it, reporting back that good things were happening after my work, it was such good fun.So I posted another one, and it got another great response.That day I was having a chat with my brilliant friend Amy Latzen-Birks, the Strategy Ninja, and she uttered the immortal words:“That’s a product. Right there. That’s a product.”And The Prosperity Prescription was born.Within 20 minutes she had me collecting email addresses from people who were interested in joining.People signed up - they actually gave me their email address!I kept hitting refresh on the Mail Chimp page and I couldn’t believe my eyes.On Friday 8th August, my existing list had about 46 people on it.By Saturday 9th August my new list had 300 new names and it was still growing.That’s 650% growth in my list in one day. ONE DAY!Amy had made one of my dreams come true by putting one of those fancy countdown timer things on my opt-in page!Woohooo!!And it was going to hit zero hour on Monday 11th August.Gulp.What a rush. Emails went out on Saturday and Sunday.On Sunday night my hubby built me a camera tripod out of a step ladder, a ruler and some electrical tape and I recorded the video that went on my sales page.On Monday, the video went out, Charter Members were invited to enrol and Pete and I sat with our daughters, wondering what would happen.I had said to them: “This might mean that Mummy gets paid to do something she absolutely loves doing! So cross your fingers.”And they did.We waited.Then...‘Ping’Email.“Someone signed up! Someone signed up!”We went crazy!‘Ping’ again!The girls cheered, I cried, Pete was stunned.And so it went on.We closed enrolment with 165 amazing Charter Members for The Prosperity Prescription.I have never been so humbled, so grateful, and so mind-blowingly honoured.I had created something and people wanted to join in. I had formed a group that would take its members on a journey of transformation over the next year.It was a dream come true – one of those dreams that’s just so big, and so magical, and so life-changing, you don’t even dare to dream it. It’s just within you, waiting to be unleashed.And because The Prosperity Prescription is all about helping you to achieve greatness, to help you raise your rates and make more money, I’ll tell you the numbers.The Prosperity Prescription launch generated over $43,000 in two weeks.Using a skill that, five weeks previously, I thought was redundant.That’s what happened to me when I smashed my money limit and erased my money blocks around family 'stuff'.What do you think would happen if we smashed and erased yours too?Here's what members of The Prosperity Prescription were saying in their first week..."Michelle you truly are a bright light in this world. And I think I speak for everyone in the Prosperity Prescription when I say that your talent surpasses anything any of us might have ever anticipated receiving from you or this experience.""Michelle you are super interactive... I feel heard, sensed, not TOLD what to do but included, invited, cared for and loved … you are over-delivering.""I feel infinitely held and safe in this group to smash those upper limits and create some new lifetime patterns of releasing blocks and continuing to align to my heart, path and purpose. Thank you!""I am loving being a part of this group! I am breaking through barriers and already noticing a positive difference in only a few days. I even had a prospect follow up with me the other day and I scheduled an appointment for today and she's moving forward! I'm so excited to see what the results will be after a year!"I'm still pinching myself and wondering if I'll wake up from the most incredible dream, I just can't believe this is my life now.And I can't wait to see what happens over the next year, for me AND for the amazing Charter Members.I'll keep you posted!Love fromMichelleThe Energy EditorK.F.R.P.BA (Hons)