Wealthology Insider Mail #5
I’m back as promised with your final set of Money Block Prompts for Family: Week 5. (Most months we’ll do four weeks.)
Awareness is a powerful thing – so it’s my hope that by helping you to focus on a different set of money blocks each week, you can start to shift them, so you can enjoy wealth without limits!
Let’s crack on with it!
Ready to dive in? Every week I'll give you a couple of areas to focus on, that will help you uncover your money blocks. You'll find a word or phrase to prompt you, and some accompanying questions to ask yourself.
You can do as little or as much as you want!
Stay curious, stay inquisitive, and keep your sense of humour - and especially, be kind to yourself. The human mind is capable of all sorts of bollocks, so let's find out what it's telling you about money shall we?
PROMPT 1 – Knowing I am valued
Do you know that you are valued? What’s your immediate reaction to reading that? Think about times when you haven’t felt valued – especially by your family. Did they value your contribution to the family unit when you were a child? Did you feel heard and integral, or overlooked and unimportant? And was that most of the of time, or just occasionally? Do they recognise the value of what you do now? Is there some pain lingering? It’s ok. Scribble some notes.
Have a think about how this relates to how you make money. If you knew you and your work were valued by your family, how would it affect the actions you take in your work? If you already know that you are valued, how much does needing to hold onto that approval keep you on the path you’re on? Is it truly what you want?
Everyone can access the limiting belief release technique here – you could release the limiting beliefs “I am not valued”, “Other people determine my value” and “I am not valuable” “ - and any others you find.
PROMPT 2 – Helping my family
Ask most people what they’d do if they were enormously wealthy and they will have in their first three replies a detailed response about how they’d give heaps of money to various members of their family. It’s a lovely response isn’t it? And it’s also a big red money block flag.
The first reason it’s a bit of a problem is that you’re immediately planning how to give your money away, so unless you’re completely aligned to being that channel for the money, the Universe will direct the money away from you.
The second thing to think about is that this usually stems from one (or more) of these beliefs:
Other people can’t provide for themselves
I am responsible for my family
My family won’t love me if I am wealthy and I don’t share
I must not leave anyone behind
All of these beliefs are based in a lack mentality. Everyone can access the limiting belief release technique here – I suggest you clear all of the above beliefs right now!
Take a few minutes to clear this stuff up, I promise it will be worth it.
I'll be back next week with some more Money Block Prompts for you – including a new theme, and new affirmation image!
Lots of love,
Michelle xxx
PS - The affirmation image for your phone (or wherever you want to put it) is here.
PPS - If you identify some limiting beliefs, you can use my trademarked technique, the Limiting Belief Release, to clear them in 30 seconds. Find it here.