Wealthology Insider Mail #9

Here I am as promised with this week's Wealthology prompts for this month’s theme: Loneliness. 

Here's a reminder of this month’s affirmation.  Repeating these words out loud, and confidently, will gently shift your energy and keep you focused on this work, remember repeat it three times, three times a day, out loud and confidently. 

PROMPT 1 – Admitting to loneliness is weak

Journal your thoughts on this, just see what comes up. It’s impossible to address a problem (like loneliness) if you can’t admit it to yourself or someone you trust. If you don’t have anyone to trust, hit reply and with Jess and I – we treat every email with absolute confidentiality and the utmost respect. Sometimes you feel better just by sharing.

Everyone can access the limiting belief release technique here – here is a Limiting Belief Release for you to do for this week's prompt: ‘I can’t admit I am lonely' - and you can do any others you find from journaling. 

PROMPT 2 – I am not worthy of heart connections

Low self worth is a big part of loneliness. It keeps us stuck in relationships that deep down we know aren’t right. In which areas are you settling for less than a heart connection?

Take a few minutes to think about it and scribble some notes.

Release the limiting belief ‘I can’t have more’ any others you find answering the above question.

I'll be back next week with some a brand new theme for you!

Lots of love,

Michelle xxx

PS – Have you got my book Money Blocks?  Packed with 165 beliefs that limit your wealth potential – and it’s here.


Wealthology Insider Mail #10


Wealthology Insider Mail #8