Kinesiology... Kinesio-What Now?! My Journey Into The World of Energy

I remember when I was first told about kinesiology. My first daughter was eight months old and she was a really fussy eater. And as a new mum, I was petrified she would starve (or wake up in the night) so I only fed her what she liked. Which was mostly yoghurt. A friend told me to go and see a kinesiologist. I nodded, smiled and completely ignored her. By the time Ellie was 14 months old she would eat yoghurt and toast with marmite. That was it. No vegetables. Nothing green. When my friend suggested kinesiology again, I thought I might as well try it. The practitioner – a Health Kinesiologist – did some muscle testing (more about that later) and said: “She has four allergies.  Bakers yeast, brewers yeast, sugar and lactose.” “Oh,” I said - “That’s weird, because she only eats toast, marmite (made from brewer’s yeast), and sugary yoghurts.” To which the practitioner replied calmly, as if she wasn’t about to change my life forever: "Yes, the body usually craves that which it is allergic to…. Would you like me to correct these allergies now?” “Um, say what now?” “Shall I rebalance the energy so that these substances are no longer a problem?” If my eyebrows could have risen any higher they’d have left my face. “I thought you’d just tell me what the allergies are and we’d have to avoid them.” In her mind she was clearly thinking “Bollocks to that.” But very professionally, she said: “Oh no, we’ll get this sorted right away.” And she did. We left that day and for six weeks Ellie wouldn’t eat toast. Or marmite. Or yoghurt. She began eating all sorts of other things. Most amazing of all, her favourite food became fresh, raw vegetables. Even now, at 11 years old, she calls a salad ‘my normal dinner’. Needless to say, I was overjoyed. But that wasn’t the only magic that happened in that session. Along with the allergy corrections, the practitioner also found and corrected some energy blocks. These were emotional things like fears and things that troubled her little mind. She even stopped her night-terrors. Health Kinesiology gives you phrases to think, which create stress in the body. By releasing the stress whilst it’s being triggered, you completely release the block. Which means you’re no longer triggered. And you don’t get stressed or overwhelmed by the things that were previously stressing or overwhelming you. The phrases I was given to think on Ellie’s behalf were so perfect in describing her little personality. I was fascinated. I booked myself in for the following week. The work was so accurate, it so pointedly zoomed in on my root fears and resolved the things that I struggled with, that it blew my mind. For example, she honed in on my extreme problems with trust, a hangover from a previous relationship. Since then, I’ve found and married the hubster. And I know for sure that I wouldn’t have lasted the long-distance-beginning of our relationship if I hadn’t been able to trust him at all. I kept going back for more sessions. The changes I – and my family - experienced were so profound I finally decided: “I have to learn how to do this.” In 2009 I started studying in earnest. The training for Health Kinesiology is intense. Hundreds of hours studying, reading and practicing with volunteers. It has to be. It’s a huge responsibility to work with someone’s energy. I am making changes in your energy system. Your energy system is the blueprint for your body, mind and emotions. It’s like your motherboard. Would you take your laptop to McDonalds to be repaired? Exactly. I take this work very seriously. After completing the five levels required to gain certification, in February of 2011 I began working professionally. I saw a large range of clients with a variety of issues in my practice, from sleep problems to emotional traumas. Together we achieved fantastic results. One of the Health Kinesiology laws is: The Impossible Just Takes A Little Bit Longer.  I loved the feeling of a client leaving the treatment room after 60 minutes and their entire life had been turned around for the better. While I was establishing my practice, I aced my extra studies in nutrition, anatomy and physiology, counseling skills, practice-management and Touch for Health. (I know, Braggy Braggerson, but I take this shiz seriously!) With these extra certification, at the end of 2013 I reached Kinesiology Federation Registered Practitioner (KFRP) status with the Kinesiology Federation, UK. This is the highest level awarded unless you become a teacher. I am very aware that I have a great deal of responsibility to work accurately, ethically and reliably. My clients count on me to facilitate shifts in their energy that completely change the way they experience life. When you work with me, you are – literally – in safe hands. I have practiced and practiced my skills on hundreds of clients over the years, and now it’s like the energy I’m working on becomes an extension of me. I use a combination of intuition and a specialized muscle-testing system which gives your body an infinite number of options to communicate to me what it needs, but allows me to work very fast. I’ve developed many techniques and methods of my own. Coupled with my extra-curricular interest in the quantum field and the laws of the Universe, the energy work I do has become completely unique. This means that I can achieve accelerated results, which you might not find in traditional kinesiology. And enables me to work with big groups. All over the world. With energy corrections that activate when the members start thinking. As one of my clients put it: “You’re really playing at the very edge of what we know about the quantum field.” I’d never really thought about it before. But hearing it made this lady-geek very happy. It’s true that no-one else does what I do, in the way that I do it. So what is it that I do? There are two key elements: 

  1. Kinesiology – finding out what the blocks are and how to erase them (which is what I’m going to explain now)


  1. Energy Correcting – erasing the blocks (which I’ll talk about next time)

 Let’s start with the basics… Kinesiology means ‘the science of movement in the body.’ What I’m doing is monitoring a stress response – or movement – in one very sensitive muscle. By monitoring how that muscle responds to various stressors and triggers I can quickly determine what your blocks are and how to release them. The kinesiology part is all about determining the What and the How: In my treatment room, in-person: - I rest your elbow on the table with your arm at a 45 degree angle. - I check that the arm is in the ‘test position’. - If the body is in stress, when I apply light pressure to your wrist then your arm will physically move downward. - If the body is not in stress then your arm will stay strong – the muscle is locked. - After I run a system of checks and balances to ensure that your body is giving me accurate answers I begin to muscle test. - This means that I ask a series of verbal questions. - I direct these questions to your body. - If your body wants to tell me ‘No’ then the muscle switches off and the arm goes down. - If your body wants to tell me ‘Yes’ then the muscle stays locked on and it will not go down. - Then I proceed by asking your body Yes or No questions. I have a very refined, efficient system by which I very quickly find out what your body wants to tell me. Your body knows exactly where the problems are. Your body remembers the tiny incidents and experiences from your life that put its energy out of alignment. Your body recalls in detail the things you have forgotten that are the root causes of your current struggles. Your body also knows exactly what it needs to solve the problem. And your body will tell me how to erase the blocks by using a muscle to respond to my questions. So how does this work when you’re not in the room with me? Maybe you’re even on the other side of the world? Here’s the magic… In the quantum field (the space between us) everything is connected. So, first, I connect to you using an energetic intention. Imagine it like this – in the space between us there are a million dots. When I create an energetic intention, I light up a pathway of dots. If my intention is to connect with you, then I light up a pathway of dots between you and I. When we are connected in this way, I substitute my muscle for your muscle. This is called surrogate testing. I generally use the quadriceps in my thigh because it gives me the most accurate response. (And leg ache, after I’ve been working too long.) When I’ve connected to you, I direct my questions to your body via this connection, and I apply pressure to my own muscle as if it were yours. My muscle responds on your behalf and I work exactly as I would in a one-on-one in-person session – asking questions and monitoring the response. This is how I can accurately pinpoint your blocks and triggers. When I work with a group, I connect to the collective energy of the members and apply the same principle. It’s an enormous amount of fun, solving the puzzles of people’s problems. Geek Confession: In my head, I’m the energetic Sherlock Holmes. Once I’ve identified what the blocks are and how to release them, we move onto the second part – Correcting the Energy – and I’ll share more about that next time. I hope that this has been useful. I know the word kinesiology is a bit of a ‘kinesi-what’. And I know that I was really cynical about anything alternative until I saw the results for myself. I’m just a regular person, going about my life. And I have an intense interest in what goes on behind the scenes of our lives, in the energetic realm. It doesn’t mean I talk to fairies, wear tie-dye or eat crystals. But it does mean I have a real advantage in life because I can change the very stuff that we are made of. I can edit it, erase it, shift it. I can find the things that trigger you and make them not trigger you any more. I can strengthen you to your weaknesses and heighten your abilities. I can take an issue that cripples you and erase it so well that you can’t even recall it. So funnily enough, I absolutely love my work. But rest assured, I take it very seriously. I might put kisses at the end of my messages, but that’s just because I’m an absolutely softy. I like running my own business because if I want to confuse the hell out of my accountant with an auto-responder that greets you with “Hello lovely” – well, that’s up to me. In my energy work, I know exactly what I’m doing. If you’re in my family, you get taken care of. And that’s what Prosperity Prescription is all about. My online family. We’re about to embark on another year-long journey. The first year has been an enormous success. 230 members. Phenomenal success stories. Transformations, celebrations and a lot of happy tears. Prosperity Prescription 2.0 is taking it to the next level. This year it’s all about helping you to radiate brilliance. It’s about erasing your blocks, dropping old baggage and de-activating your triggers. My mission is to help everyone in the group reach their highest potential. I’m thrilled, humbled and grateful that I get to lead this family on a new adventure. I would be honoured if you would join us. Check out all the information here. And come and experience the transformation for yourself. It’s unique, ground-breaking and extraordinary – and you’re invited. See you on the other side… With much love, Michelle xxxPS - Just imagine what happens when you apply this work to how you feel about yourself and your work... just click here for the details on Prosperity Prescription 2.0. 


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