My First Six-Figure Year

Since my first big launch last summer I've made a six-figure income. Now, let's be clear: That’s gross revenue, in dollars. But regardless of the technicalities, I made a shite-load of money. Way more than ever before. So isn’t it interesting – And kind of embarrassing - And perhaps a little bit terrifying – That I also have: Less savings than this time last year. A credit card debt for the first time in ten years. No pension. No investments. And no clue as to the net, post-tax revenue of the business in British pounds. I spent the last year enjoying my money-magnetising abilities. I’ve had $5000 VIP clients. I had a second, $25,000 launch in April. I’ve been paid tidy sums for an hour’s work on someone else’s programme. And of course, I’ve helped a lot of people make more money. When you’ve never been well paid before, that’s your focus. When I erased the blocks that were holding me back from accumulating wealth… There was no holding me back. Money flowed in. I can make money flow in, no doubt about it. And unlike in previous years, money coming in hasn’t been followed by unexpected bills. Things haven’t broken down. Things haven’t gone wrong. Things have been fantastic. I said earlier in the year: “True wealth is all the money you want – and more – with the freedom to choose how to spend it.” And spend it I have. I like travel. To me it spells freedom, adventure and experience. So we had a last-minute family holiday to Lanzarote. An epic three week trip-of-a-lifetime to California. I’ve been to Key West in Florida and Tulum in Mexico. Our big goal for this year was to move house. Working from home is great. When your office is next to the kitchen and the sitting room and you have three kids? It can be a bit hard to get everything done that you want to do. So in July we moved to a massive house with a big, quiet office space. There's no mistake, this year I’ve done what I set out to do. Make money. Love my work. Enjoy freedom and fun with my family. So what’s the problem? I don’t think this is the full picture of wealth. I thought it was. And now I can see that there are edges to this picture that aren’t fully in view yet. Edges like pensions, investments and returns. Sounds fecking boring doesn’t it? KEEP READING! Because what interests me isn’t so much what pension to get. (And whether a pension is even a good idea in the current financial climate blah blah.) No. The interesting question is this - What is it that really makes you wealthy? Because I truly believe that fun, freedom and giving are signs of a wealthy life. But if all of my money just flows out again (even in directions I choose) am I really wealthy? Maybe true wealth means having an income that keeps flowing even if you don't switch on your laptop? An income that flows until you die is probably going to involve investing in some way. Switching off when it comes to the conversation about investing? That’s a money block. One that I think is prevalent in women. I know I had it. I’ve spent the last week working on it. Because I just had another launch. $72,000 in two weeks. And at the same time as celebrating with my family. I couldn’t fight off the feeling that I need to do things differently. That if I get to this time last year and have no assets to show for my year in business? I’m going to kick myself. I realised that I was intimidated by accountancy. Daunted by investing. Confused by everything I didn’t know. And it literally made me shut down, switch off, numb out. I realised that I'd erased my money blocks around making money and being able to enjoy it. Hence having a fricking brilliant year and lots of fun. But what to actually DO with it once I'd got it? (Other than enjoy it.) Blocked. Big style. So I started asking myself a lot of questions. And for me, this is always where the fun starts. How do we balance feeling good in the present with planning for the future? How much of my $72,000 launch success was due to spending a lot of cash in America this summer? I'll explain. On that trip, I was determined we wouldn’t worry about money. That we’d do whatever we wanted, experience whatever we wanted. That we’d give away hundreds of dollars in tips and gifts to homeless people. And we did. It meant I spent a lot. But how much was it energetically responsible for attracting back to me? In terms of the Laws of the Universe, how much do I need to live in the present? How much should I prepare for the future? And when it comes to these money blocks around investing. What are women afraid of? And do you know the magic of asking these questions? I can go straight to Infinite Intelligence for the answers. So, here's the thing. The same energy I tune into to find out what your money blocks are - I can tune in to the collective energy of any individual or group and ask anything. I can test what were the factors that contributed to my success. And I can find out what percentage each factor was responsible for. I can test for women as a group. Or female online entrepreneurs as a group. So things are about to get really interesting around here. And I want to know – If you could ask Infinite Intelligence, the soul that connects us, anything about money and wealth - What would you ask? NOT a personal question like “What is my money block around x, y, z?” But – What are the things that block women from investing in property? (I already found that out for someone months ago and I’ll post about it when I’ve dug the notes up!) Or maybe - What attracts more money to me, spending or saving? I’m talking the fundamental things that affect all of us in relation to wealth. What would you ask? TELL ME! Email me right now with your questions about money and wealth. My mission for this year is to find answers. To keep broadening my view of the Wealth Picture. And to keep sharing what I learn. The world is changing. Like me, are you self-employed or running your own small business? Or do you want to be? Or are you employed? We’re all in the same position (with few exceptions). If we take six months off (and I mean really off) we don’t get paid. In the online space there’s a lot of focus on ‘working from anywhere’. But that still means working. We might not have to show up to an office, but we’re also not totally free. And I think that’s where the truth about Wealth and Freedom lies – It’s not just about freedom to travel or work in our pyjamas all day. It’s the freedom to stop working and see the money keep flowing in. I don’t have all the answers. But I do know this - I'm determined to find them. I'll keep you posted. Love always MichellePS – I’m deadly serious – email me now and ask me your burning questions about wealth, money and money blocks!


My $72,000 Secret


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