Wealthology Insider Mail #23
Your Wealthology Prompts are below!
Here is a reminder of this months affirmation for the theme 'Controlling'
I am light
I am reflection
I am infinite
You can find the image for your phone here.
Here are this week's prompts...
1 – When am I inauthentic?
Being inauthentic isn't something we easily admit to ourselves but it's something we all do from time to time. Putting up a façade, pretending everything is OK, hiding how we really feel, even taking action against our own values!
Why do we do it?
It's a coping mechanism - a way to control our own feelings.
Think of a time you’ve been inauthentic; what you were trying to control?
This one might not be comfortable, but it will be worth clearing, trust me.
Use the Limiting Belief Release and do: Being inauthentic means I have control / It's safer to be inauthentic / I must have a façade
Everyone can find the Limiting Belief Release Technique here.
2 – Expressing my uniqueness
Expressing your uniqueness, for some, can come quite naturally, for others it can be something that takes more courage.
In whatever way you express yourself, the chances are over the years someone has had an opinion about it, and whether it's meant negatively or not, it's probably affected you in some way.
Can you think of a time when your uniqueness was questioned, when you were put down or punished for standing out, for being who you are?
Are you still holding onto that? How does it affect you now?
For limiting beliefs do: Being unique will result in punishment/ I cannot be unique/ I must fit in
Have fun digging into those, and I’ll be back with you next week!
Michelle xxx