Wealthology Insider Mail #24

This is Wealthology Mail 24 and we’re working on the theme of Controlling!

This month’s affirmation is:

I am light.  I am reflection.  I am infinite

Find the image to use as your phone lockscreen here.

Repeating these words out loud, and confidently, will gently shift your energy and keep you focused on this work.

(The affirmation works best if you repeat it three times, three times a day, out loud and confidently, for the month we’re working on Controlling.)

1.  I must be empowered

Empowerment – ‘the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights.’

Being empowered is a great thing, but isn’t it interesting that even in the definition it’s directly linked to ‘control’.

How does the belief ‘I must be empowered’ pressure you into controlling things?

Sit with it for a moment, journal it out.

Use the LBR and do these limiting beliefs: If I am empowered I am in control / I am only in control when I am empowered 

2. My experience of not controlling

What ‘out of control’ experiences can you recall?

Were there any consequences? Did someone (or you) get hurt?

When we've experienced stress as a result of something, the monkey mind stops us from doing anything that it's decided might have the same consequences.  (And the monkey mind is really illogical about this stuff, and it also loves to hold a grudge - sometimes for decades.)

Use the LBR and do these: I can’t be out of control /  When I’m not in control there are consequences / If I am not in control someone will get hurt

Everyone can find the Limiting Belief Release Technique here.

Have fun digging into those, and I’ll be back with you next week.

Lots of love,

Michelle xxx

PS – Have you got my new Money Blocks book?  Get it here!


Wealthology Insider Mail #25


Wealthology Insider Mail #23